Topics in circular statistics Rao Jammalamadaka S., Sengupta A.
Publisher: WS
Von Mises distribution Variant: circular normal distribution The principal distribution used to model cyclic data; derived by von Mises in 1918. Topics in Circular Statistics (Series on Multivariate Analysis): S. For directional statistics over the last thirty years, there is not a lot of software .. Statistics of Directional Data. Sengupta, “Topics in Circular Statistics,” World Scientific, Singapore, 2001. Topics in Circular Statistics Series on Multivariate Analysis: S.Rao Jammalamadaka, A. 1Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Aletheia University, Taiwan, Republic of China . Chichester: John Wiley Sons Ltd. Rao Jammalamadaka, Ambar Sengupta: 洋書. Detailed expositions of circular statistics are given in Fisher [3], Jammalamadaka .. Keywords-Cardiac signals; analytic signal; circular statistics. Topics in Circular Statistics, Sections 3.3.2 and 3.4.1, World Scientific Press, Singapore. Sengupta, Topics in circular statistics, Har/Dsk ed., World Scientific. 2001 Topics in circular statistics.