MPLS Configuration on Cisco IOS Software Lancy Lobo, Umesh Lakshman
MPLS QoS is outside the scope of this document. More details of configuration, advantages and other More details of configuration, advantages and other features of Cisco 2960 Series please view: The router treats the MPLS bits as though they are IP Type of Service (ToS) bits and puts the appropriate packets into the correct queues. VPN support, MPLS support, Syslog support, IPv6 support. After you read this document, you must be able to: Understand why it is important .. Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ). In Cisco IOS XR software, a BFD neighbor is established through routing. Switch#sh ver | include IOS Cisco IOS Software, ME340x Software (ME340x-METROIPACCESS-M), Version 12.2(52)SE, RELEASE SOFTWARE. This is not at all true for MQC. This document reviews how to configure Cisco IOS® Software congestion management and congestion avoidance features on the Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router. Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED). This switch at the start has a blank config.